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Dr. Niklas Hellemann, Michael Widmann, Andrea Szeiler, Fred-Mario Silberbach
Safeguarding the digital era: How cyber threats endanger both our economy and society
Renowned experts from politics, research, military, and economy converge to explore the multifaceted cyber threat landscape. How do current geopolitical tensions and uncertainties shape cyber threats? Who are the key actors, and what sophisticated strategies are they employing?

Dr. Niklas Hellemann
Defending our digital future: Human resilience in uncertain times
2024 has been a challenging year for organizations – and even more for our society. As a super election year, driven by multiple elections around the world and characterized by many geopolitical or societal events, the rapid rise of AI has created unprecedented opportunities for cybercriminals, hacktivists, and state-sponsored actors. In this keynote, Niklas Hellemann highlights the importance of human resilience and the strength of standing together as a community of cyber heroes.

Philipp Westermeyer
The state of the German internet
In an era of rapid technological change, Philipp examines the current winners and losers in the global ecosystem, the implications of artificial intelligence-related strategies and provide examples of advanced ideas around this new wave. He provide insights beyond the data with his unique perspective on capital markets and the digital economy, offering quick wins for all most everyone watching.

Julius van de Laar
Disinformation: A transatlantic view
Delve into the shifting dynamics of political disinformation and spin following the 2024 U.S. elections, guided by one of Europe’s foremost political experts. This session provides a deep dive into the methods and tactics used to shape public opinion on both sides of the Atlantic. Gain insights into the key trends, the actors involved, and the impact of disinformation on democracy.

Inge van der Beijl
Journey with the CISO: A mountain climb to cybersecurity resilience
In today’s complex cyber security landscape, the role of the CISO is essential—but it’s far from one-size-fits-all. Each organization’s unique risks and challenges demand a tailored approach to cybersecurity leadership. Inge van der Beijl uses the metaphor of a mountain climb to explore three distinct destinations in the CISO’s journey: Base Camp, High Camp, and Summit Camp.

Aya Jaff
Rewriting the code: Intersectional diversity & digital mastery in tech
The future of tech isn’t just diverse – it’s intersectional. It’s about more than ticking boxes: it is about blending backgrounds, experiences, and identities to create something truly innovative. But to make this vision a reality, we need a workforce that’s not just diverse, but digitally empowered. In this Keynote, Aya Jaff examines how digital media literacy can be a game-changer in shaping a tech industry where intersectionality drives creativity, equity, and growth.

Gonçalo Gaiolas
Innovating security: Tackling tomorrow’s human risk challenges today
In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, security leaders need more than just tools to manage human risks – they need solutions that truly understand human behavior. At SoSafe, we believe the key to managing human risk lies in transforming it into human defense. This exclusive presentation reveals how our product, deeply rooted in psychology and behavioral science, is revolutionizing cybersecurity.

Lars Kukuk, Katrin Hahn, Christian Ortholf, Philipp Rosch
Wie anfällig ist der öffentliche Sektor für Cyberangriffe?
Als Bindeglied zwischen grundlegenden Dienstleistungen und der Gesellschaft spielen öffentliche und kritische Infrastrukturen eine zentrale Rolle im Leben von Millionen Menschen. Gleichzeitig stehen sie vor der Herausforderung, hochsensible Daten zu schützen und wachsenden Bedrohungen zu begegnen. Erfahren Sie aus erster Hand, wie Organisationen des öffentlichen Sektors die Bedrohungen wahrnehmen und sich verteidigen.

Philipp Amann, Jens Becker, Catalina Al Hok
Organizational readiness: Are we truly equipped for today’s cyber security threat landscape?
In this panel discussion, we explore the current threat landscape from an organizational perspective. How do well-established companies perceive the evolving cyber threats? What role does the human factor play in their security strategies? Our panelists, representing leading companies, share insights into their preparedness and protection measures against cyber threats.

Dave Maasland, Dirk Schwarz
Cyber goalkeeping: Digital threats in the soccer industry
This year’s European football championship not only featured exciting matches, but also significant security challenges and risks. This discussion delves into the often-overlooked world of cyber security in the soccer industry. As this sport continues to grow globally, so do the threats to its integrity, from data breaches to digital sabotage. Our panel of experts discuss the unique cyber security risks facing the soccer industry, the challenges teams and organizations face, and the innovative solutions being implemented to protect against it. Learn how top teams are defending against digital threats and what the future holds for cyber security in soccer.

Markus Beckedahl
Im Sumpf der Desinformation den Überblick behalten: Welche Fähigkeiten brauchen wir heute und warum
Desinformation, Propaganda, Shitstorms und Fake News – die Online-Kommunikation wird immer undurchsichtiger. Wer beeinflusst die öffentliche Meinung und wie? Welche Fähigkeiten brauchen wir, um uns zu wappnen? Diese Session bietet einen Einblick in die digitalen Kompetenzen von heute und morgen.

Frank Schätzing
Von der Fiktion zur Zukunft: KI, Innovation und die Helden der digitalen Welt
Im Fireside Chat teilt Bestsellerautor Frank Schätzing seine Perspektive auf den Aufstieg der KI und zieht Erkenntnisse aus seinem Roman „Die Tyrannei des Schmetterlings“ und bietet einen visionären Ausblick auf die Zukunft von Innovation und Digitalisierung. Er bietet einen visionären Ausblick auf Innovation und Digitalisierung, beleuchtet Deutschlands Zukunft im Jahr 2050 und verbindet Klimawandel, Nachhaltigkeit und die Auswirkungen moderner Technologie.

Dr. Niklas Horstmann
Menschen, Maschinen und Gesellschaft: Resiliente Digitalisierung als Wettbewerbsvorteil
Dr. Niklas Horstmann, Vizepräsident für sichere Vernetzung, zeigt, wie belastbare digitale Infrastrukturen zum Wettbewerbsvorteil werden. Erfahren Sie, wie Sicherheitskultur, Cyberabwehr und innovative Vernetzung sichere Ökosysteme schaffen. Besonders in Zeiten von Cyberkonflikten spielt der Einzelne als „human Firewall“ eine entscheidende Rolle beim Schutz der Demokratie.

Carsten Thoma, Andrew Rose, Ricardo Diaz-Rohr, Michael Beaupre
Cyber security on the board level
In this panel discussion with top executives, we will explore the transformation of cyber security from an IT concern to a critical business priority that demands board-level attention and will answer questions such as: How are forward-thinking organizations integrating cyber security into their core business strategies? How are they communicating the importance of cyber security to reinforce it as a core value within their organizations?

Gonçalo Gaiolas, Dr. Niklas Hellemann
United we stand: Building a community of cyber heroes
Reflect on the highlights on the conference with us as we discuss actionable strategies and reaffirm our commitment to standing together in the fight against cyber threats. Learn how we can continue building a resilient and supportive cybersecurity community prepared to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Ralf Schneider, Stéphane Ischia, Eileen Jennings-Brown
AI in cyber security: Defending against cybercriminals in the age of intelligent threats
Discover how cybercriminals are leveraging AI to scale and evolve their attacks, marking the dawn of a new era: AI versus AI in cybersecurity. This panel dives into how bad actors employ AI for sophisticated phishing schemes, automated vulnerability exploitation, and evasion of traditional security measures. Learn why adopting AI-driven defenses is critical to predict, detect, and mitigate these advanced threats in real time, and gain insights into integration challenges, the balance between automation and human oversight, and the risks tied to AI-driven security measures.

Monika Geitlinger, Inge van der Beijl, Bruce Hallas
Holistic security strategies: Integrating physical, technical, and human security
This session delves into the comprehensive approach of holistic security strategies, emphasizing the integration of physical, technical, and human security measures. In today’s interconnected world, a siloed approach to security is no longer sufficient. Our expert panelists discuss the importance of creating a unified security strategy that encompasses all aspects of protection.

Ranga Yogeshwar
Emils Welt – Wie Innovation unsere Gesellschaft verändert
Ranga Yogeshwars Enkel Emil wurde im Januar 2020 geboren und es besteht eine gute Chance, dass er das 22. Jahrhundert erleben wird. Die Zukunft nimmt also bereits Gestalt an. Doch wie werden zukünftige Generationen aufwachsen? Emils Welt unterscheidet sich grundlegend vom heutigen „Business as usual“, sie ist das Ergebnis eines globalen Wandels, und er hofft, dass sie am Ende eine bessere sein wird.

Yasmine Douadi, Daniela Almeida Lourenço, Andrea Szeiler
Bridging international gaps in security awareness & human risk management
As organizations operate on a global scale, understanding the international differences in security awareness and human risk management becomes crucial. This panel discussion explores how cultural, regulatory, and organizational factors influence security practices across different regions. Discover best practices, regional trends, and how to tailor security programs to effectively address global variations in human behavior and risk perception.

Oliver Schneider
Crisis management in the event of cyber extortion
Cyber threats are currently the biggest concern for companies worldwide, at least according to Allianz Insurance in its annual Risk Barometer. The threat of ransomware attacks and IT outages worries companies even more than business and supply chain disruptions, natural disasters or the war in Ukraine, all of which have severely affected companies in recent years.

Immanuel Bär, Axel Fehrmann, Christian Klatt
Geschichten von der Straße: Wie Sicherheitsverantwortliche Cyber-Sicherheitsherausforderungen meistern
Tauchen Sie ein in den Lebensweg dreier führender Sicherheitsexperten, die einige der dringendsten Herausforderungen im Bereich der Cybersicherheit gemeistert haben. Immanuel Bär, Axel Fehrmann und Christian Klatt berichten aus ihrer Sicht über die Navigation durch komplexe Sicherheitslandschaften, die Vereinbarkeit von Privatleben und Karriere und die Anpassung an neue Cyberbedrohungen.

Lia Fey, Holly Sorce
Embedding security in an organizational culture: Strategic change management and security cultures
In this panel discussion, leading security professionals share first-hand, practical examples of integrating cyber security into their organizational culture and highlight the critical importance of change management and security culture to strengthen the human layer of cyber security within organizations. Discover how change management initiatives can drive the adoption of secure practices and create a resilient organization capable of withstanding cyber challenges.

Daria Catalui, Simona Autolitano, Ann Mennens
EU cyber citizens: Uniting in a human firewall through strategic EU cyber policy
As cyber threats continue to evolve, the debate intensifies: Which is more powerful – a strong human firewall or the most advanced technical firewall? The answer is: we need both at their best. This panel will explore the relationship between these two pillars of cyber security. Join members of ENISA, the European Commission and BSI to learn how collective action, public policy and expert insight can converge to strengthen the EU’s digital landscape and ensure a more secure and resilient future for all.

Fireside chat mit Can-André Birol
Wie Mutares Cyber-Resilienz in seinem Portfolio priorisiert
In diesem fireside chat wird Can-André Birol darüber sprechen, wie Mutares die Cyber-Resilienz in seinem Unternehmensportfolio priorisiert. Von seinem Werdegang bei KPMG bis hin zur Leitung der Cybersicherheit bei einer Private-Equity-Firma bringt Can-André Birol einzigartige Einblicke in die Herausforderungen der Absicherung verschiedener Branchen mit – von der Automobilindustrie bis hin zu FMCG.

Fireside chat with David Mossop
Lessons in cyber security awareness and culture
Join us for an honest conversation with cyber security veteran David Mossop, as he shares hard-earned insights on building a culture of awareness and resilience in today’s dynamic threat landscape. From managing the evolving risks of AI and deepfake technology to empowering teams worldwide with proactive defenses, David offers a unique perspective shaped by his military background and real-world experience. Discover the strategies he’s used to build strong, informed “human firewalls” that can withstand modern cyber threats, and learn how to make security awareness a core value in any organization.

Yousef Farschtschi
Security by design in digital transformation
Medium-sized companies that are part of critical infrastructure face the challenge of digitally transforming while simultaneously providing secure infrastructure. Prokon Renewal Energy eG has addressed this challenge by viewing each system as a component within the security architecture to enhance the value chain.

Stefano Ferrara, Niklas Tausend
How to make cyber security work in your organization: A dive into the details
In this Masterclass, learn exactly how to effectively and quickly implement cyber security strategy and products into your organization and culture – so that they are not just a nice to have, but an integral part of your organization’s operations and risk management systems.

Andrew Rose
Mastering storytelling for CISOs: Communicate security with impact
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the CISO’s role is more critical than ever. Yet, many CISOs face challenges in communicating complex security concepts effectively to employees, top management, and board members.

Holly Sorce
Change Management: How to enhance the success of cyber security initiatives through people-focused interventions
This session approaches change management from a neuroscience perspective and provides practical strategies and techniques for approaching change through the lens of the stakeholder, offering practical techniques to increase compliance and adoption and reduce undesirable outcomes.

Andrew Rose
Effective reporting for CISOs: Metrics, threats, and communication strategies
In the dynamic world of cyber security, CISOs play a crucial role in safeguarding organizations. However, one of the most challenging aspects of their role is effectively reporting to the executive team and board. Are CISOs focusing on the right metrics and KPIs? How can they highlight the importance of preventive measures and make the current threat landscape more comprehensible?

Bianca Zonne, Hannan Ouhlous, Bettina von Abercron
Strengthening diversity: Uniting for an inclusive and accessible cyber security industry
This panel discussion addresses the crucial topic of diversity in the cyber security industry. What is the status of diversity in this field, and how has it evolved over the years? Our esteemed panelists will explore the significant benefits that diversity brings to the cyber security sector, including enhanced innovation, problem-solving, and overall effectiveness.

Andrew Rose, Maxime Lecoeur
3 Mistakes you’re making in your security awareness campaign: Identifying and correcting common pitfalls
Security awareness campaigns are essential for protecting organizations from cyber threats, but even well-intentioned initiatives can fall short. This masterclass uncovers the three most common mistakes made in security awareness campaigns and provide practical solutions to overcome them. Learn how to engage employees effectively, create impactful content, and secure leadership support.

Frank Fengel
Cyber-Sicherheitsbewusstsein im Krisenmanagement: Wie Sie Ihre Mitarbeitenden auf einen Notfall vorbereiten
In diesem Vortrag gibt Frank Fengel Einblicke in seine 15-jährige Erfahrung in der Beratung von Unternehmen, Behörden und Betreibern kritischer Infrastrukturen im Bereich Krisenmanagement. Entdecken Sie pragmatische Lösungen für diese Herausforderungen und erfahren Sie, was wir in der IT und der Informationssicherheit noch von Notfallhelfern lernen können.

Britta Behrens
Stärkung der Cyber-Sicherheit auf geschäftlichen sozialen Medien
LinkedIn ist ein leistungsstarkes Geschäftswerkzeug – aber auch ein Ziel für Cyber-Risiken wie Fake-Profile, Deepfakes und Social Engineering. In dieser Session erhalten Sie essenzielle Strategien, um Bots zu erkennen, Betrugsversuche zu identifizieren und Ihre Marke vor Online-Bedrohungen zu schützen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die aktuellen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen von LinkedIn, wie Sie Risiken geopolitischer Manipulationen managen können und wie Sie die Resilienz Ihrer Organisation in sozialen Business-Medien stärken. Schützen Sie Ihr digitales Netzwerk, verteidigen Sie Ihren Ruf und bleiben Sie einen Schritt voraus.

Dr. Gundula Zerbes, Tommy Courtney
Moving beyond traditional security awareness & training
To combat the rising tide of cybercrime and enhance organizational resilience, it’s essential to adopt a more holistic approach to security awareness and human risk management. This session will focus on evolving from traditional security awareness and training (SA&T) methods to strategies that engage individuals more effectively. Learn how developing tailored approaches with clear metrics to drive behavioral change and risk reduction can transcend conventional SA&T practices, ultimately boosting organizational adaptability and resilience in the face of modern threats.

Gina Dragulin, Andrew Rose
Security maturity match: A practitioner’s guide to driving Security to new levels
This session explores the distinct stages of maturity in a security-first organization focusing on the essential capabilities and tools needed to build a robust security posture. We discuss how to transition from basic security awareness to more advanced practices, including behaviour and culture change, onto proactive measures and targeted interventions to assess and mitigate human risks. Learn how to elevate your organization’s security levels, integrate security learning into daily operations, and create a more resilient and secure environment.

Lisa Wagner, Kanu Priya Sindhu
The 3Ms of Human Risk Management: Monitor, measure, mitigate human risks
Quantifying risk is just the first step in a comprehensive security strategy. Explore how leveraging data can not only meet regulatory requirements but also accelerate a proactive security culture within organizations, fueled by actionable insights. We’ll share best practices, dive deep into the latest analytics techniques the platform has to offer and discuss practical strategies for mitigating risks. This session is designed to guide you in creating tailored approaches to reduce vulnerabilities through continuous monitoring and adaptive training.

Dr. Niklas Hellemann
Artificial intelligence vs. intelligent humans – cyber heroes assemble!
In this keynote, we bridge the gap between ‘Artificial Intelligence vs. intelligent humans’ by delving into the frontline of cyber security. Uncover how AI is not just a tool for advancement but also a weapon in cybercrime, enabling criminals to manipulate human psychology with unprecedented precision. Learn how AI’s role in social engineering signals a new era of cyber threats, demanding a rally of ‘Cyber Heroes’ to combat these evolving challenges.

Jamie Bartlett
FBI’s Most Wanted: How a crypto-scammer stole 4 billion euros & vanished
Jamie Bartlett has spent the last 4 years exposing ‘OneCoin’ – a multi-billion dollar cryptocurrency scam created by Dr Ruja Ignatova, who is now the considered the world’s most wanted woman. Jamie will explain how Dr Ruja used tricks of psychology to persuade a million people to invest in a worthless crypto-currency, and what lessons there are for cyber security professionals.

Sascha Lobo
Wie das Netz und Künstliche Intelligenz die Welt verändern und was das für die Zukunft bedeuten kann
Seit gut einem Jahr verändert der Super-Hype um Künstliche Intelligenz, vor allem ChatGPT, die öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Digitalisierung. Aber wieviel Substanz steckt dahinter? Und welche Muster lassen sich schon heute erkennen, was Generative Künstliche Intelligenz angeht? In seinem Vortrag erklärt Sascha Lobo, wie diese nächste Stufe der Digitalisierung sich auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft auswirken wird und wie die kommende KI-Transformation zu bewältigen ist.

Dr. Niklas Hellemann, Frank Piotraschke
Cyber heroes assemble: Collaborating to build Human Firewalls
After 1.5 days of discussing the human factor and current cyber threats, we’re poised to reflect and peer into the cyber security horizon. What are the key takeaways? What immediate actions must we prioritize? Which emerging threats will shape the next decade, and how will these influence both our personal and professional spheres? At this point, the role of the human factor in cyber security becomes even more crucial, safeguarding our shared digital path.

Linus Neumann
Attacker mindgames
A lot of research is devoted to human attack surfaces on the victims’ side, and how attackers exploit them. Far less attention is paid to attackers’ psychological landscape. Not knowing who you’re dealing with makes it hard to predict their next steps and to differentiate credible threats from bluffs. Linus Neumann has the questionable pleasure of regularly negotiating with cyber-criminals. After a short and mandatory summary on how to never end up in situations like these, let’s analyse them from a psychological perspective.

Christian Metzler, Bart Sikkes, Jesse Sonne
Hidden champions: Best practices from security awareness leaders
Unveil the secrets behind world-class security awareness programs with the very champions who pioneered them. This panel gathers the luminaries of cyber security education, showcasing how they have seamlessly integrated robust security measures while nurturing a vigilant culture within their organizations. From positioning security awareness at the core of corporate agendas to executing impactful initiatives, learn firsthand what sets their approaches apart.

John Noble
Putting cyber security into context: Responding to cyber threats in an increasingly unstable world
John Noble draws on his experience of dealing with over 800 significant cyber incidents to set out how the cyber threat landscape has evolved over the last few years. He will explain how geopolitical developments are impacting the security of our increasingly important digital networks. Drawing on real world examples, he will highlight how the most sophisticated threat actors, are changing their tactics and what this means for companies.

Yorn Ziesche
Guarding democracy: Media, cyber security, and the role of awareness
As pillars of democracy, media companies bear a unique cyber security responsibility to ensure free and independent information flow. Join our fireside chat to dive deep into this critical duty amidst a shifting threat landscape. Hear firsthand how Handelsblatt Media Group, one of Germany‘s leading media companies, collaborates with SoSafe to elevate their security awareness.

Inge van der Beijl
On the digital frontline: Ransomware, threat actor communication, and building human resilience
Ever wondered about the strategies and secret communications that drive ransomware groups? Inge delves deep into their clandestine tactics, dissecting the art of threat actor communication, and revealing why engaging with these shadowy figures is essential for affected organizations. But she goes beyond mere mechanics. In a powerful and often-overlooked aspect, she casts a spotlight on the mental toll ransomware takes on organizations. Get ready to take safeguarding your organization to the next level with her.

Dr. Niklas Hellemann, John Noble, Tim Zahn
A new era of cybercrime? Impact of geopolitics, new technologies and digitalization on cyber security
Cybercrime has soared to unprecedented heights, thrusting us into a rapidly evolving and highly professionalized dark economy. What trends are defining this new era of cybercrime? How are human vulnerabilities being exploited, and how are cybercriminals harnessing emerging technologies to their advantage? Dive into these critical questions by joining this panel discussion. From an incisive analysis of human-layer cyber threats to a probing exploration of the intersection between geopolitics and cybercrime, this discussion offers a look into the future of cyber security.

Marian Swat
Securing the rails: Deutsche Bahn’s journey facing cyber threats
As digital threats become more sophisticated, so does the challenge of ensuring every train, station, and passenger remains secure. But beyond the technical measures and firewalls, there’s another variable at play: the human factor. Join us for a captivating fireside chat with Marian Swat from Deutsche Bahn, as they unravel their cyber security challenges, shed light on the role people play in their security matrix, and share insights into their holistic approach to mitigate risks.

Gonçalo Gaiolas
Building digital security instincts: The future of awareness is now
In today’s shifting threat landscape, traditional security awareness is no longer enough – we’re on the brink of a revolutionary era. Join SoSafe’s product leadership team as they chart a bold new course for the future of security awareness. Be part of the movement that empowers individuals to not just adapt behaviors, but to forge powerful digital instincts.

Florian Jörgens
The Human Firewall: How to create a sustainable security culture within an organization
Many talk about it, but not a lot of organizations succeed in it – yet. In this keynote, you’ll delve into the critical importance of security cultures within organizations. What exactly is a security culture, and why does it surpass isolated cyber security measures in significance? How can you craft, measure, and sustain a security culture – and who are the key stakeholders to involve? Learn the essential steps to build a resilient security environment, picking up vital insights from Vorwerk on engaging stakeholders and crafting an adaptable strategy to establish a holistic and sustainable security culture in your organization.

Matthias Furmans, Matthias Reimert
Beyond tech: Orchestrating and implementing a successful security awareness program
A robust security awareness program transcends mere technical protocols; it’s a symphony of communication, change management, stakeholder involvement, and global adaptation. Dive into the intricate layers of implementing and internationalizing an awareness initiative in this panel discussion. From technical necessities to effective reporting, hear firsthand from experts who’ve been on the frontlines, and uncover the strategies that ensure every note of your security awareness program hits the right chord.

Ingo Schmidt
Cybersicherheit und Datenintegrität im öffentlichen Sektor – wo fange ich an?
Der öffentliche Sektor steht im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem Schutz sensibler Daten und den ständig neuen Bedrohungen der Geopolitik oder neuer Technologien. Limitierte Ressourcen, Regulierungen sowie Bürokratie machen es für diesen Sektor zur Herausforderung, mit der Bedrohungslage Schritt zu halten. Erhalten Sie in diesem Fireside Chat Experteneinblicke aus erster Hand – lernen Sie, wie andere Einrichtungen damit umgehen und diese Herausforderungen meistern.

Iskro Mollov, Arne Blum
Securing the future of industry: Navigating the cyber maze in modern manufacturing
Join us for an exhilarating exploration into the complex and rapidly evolving world of cyber security in manufacturing. As the fusion of technology and industry accelerates, so does the maze of challenges and cyber threats. In this panel discussion, renowned experts will unravel the tangled web of legacy systems, IoT vulnerabilities, supply chain risks, and the human element that defines the cyber landscape in manufacturing today. You’ll gain insider insights into innovative strategies to protect intellectual property, ensure compliance, and foster a culture of security from the plant floor to the executive suite.

Chris Denbigh-White, Reza Nazeman, Immanuel Bär
Top Management in cyber security: Why cyber security should be positioned as a business priority
In today’s hyper-connected business landscape, cyber security isn’t just an IT concern; it’s a boardroom imperative. This panel discussion delves into why top management must position cyber security as a pivotal business priority. We’ll explore the financial, reputational, and operational implications of cyber threats, emphasizing the strategic significance of robust defenses. Hear from industry leaders on how a proactive approach to cyber security can drive business resilience, foster trust, and secure competitive advantage. Elevate your strategy; understand why the C-suite must lead the cyber charge.

Dr. Torsten Brodt, Jens Feistel, Boris Klimetzek
Shielding the lifelines: Cyber security in critical infrastructure amid global tensions
In a world where geopolitical landscapes shift like sand and technology evolves at breakneck speed, the measures protecting our vital systems and networks are more crucial than ever. Join this panel discussion that dives into the heart of cyber security within the domains that power our lives: energy, transportation, finance, and more. What happens when the connections that run our digital world become targets in global conflicts? How can we protect the essential services that society relies on from cyberattacks, especially when any part of the system might be vulnerable? Our panel of esteemed experts will unravel these questions, illuminating the intricate challenges that define cyber security in critical infrastructure today. Explore the labyrinth of legacy systems, the unique dynamics of nation-state attacks, and the need for specialized security training to help strengthen our digital self-defense.

Ralf Kleinfeld
Security awareness in retail companies: Protecting against supply chain attacks & securing consumer trust
In today’s fast-paced digital marketplace, the retail sector stands at a crossroads. With the rise of increasingly sophisticated supply chain attacks and the ever-present responsibility of customer data protection, how can retailers fortify their defenses without sacrificing the convenience and innovation that customers demand? Together with industry expert Ralf Kleinfeld, CISO at Otto GmbH, we’ll explore the intricate webs of global supply chains now targeted by unrelenting cybercriminals to the sacred trust between retailers and customers that hinges on data integrity. Collect first-hand insights on how to set up a holistic security strategy and how to activate the human factor as your strongest asset.

Ulrich Irnich, Tobias Ludwichowski, Dirk Zimmermann, Nicolas Mahler
Are we ready for this? What the current threat landscape means for organizations
While we’ve delved into the intricacies of the cyber threat landscape in prior sessions, this panel shifts the lens to the organizational implications. What does a dynamic threat environment signify for today’s enterprises? How should they recalibrate and prioritize their defenses? We’ll evaluate the current status quo, pinpointing areas demanding immediate enhancement. Uncover actionable insights every organization should promptly adopt to fortify against looming cyber challenges. Dive into a crucial dialogue that transforms cyber security from an abstract concern to an organizational imperative. Are we truly prepared? Let’s find out together.

Dr Julia Shaw
Making Evil: The psychology of cybercrime
Dr Julia Shaw explores the darker side of tech. She discusses the ways in which criminology and psychology help us understand cybercrime, how business structures hide our humanity, and how vigilante scambaiters are revealing tricks we can harness to prevent phishing attacks.

Katrin Suder
Cyber: What geopolitics and handwashing have to do with it
The globalized world that we knew has come to an end and we are now experiencing an increasing fragmentation. Katrin Suder talks about how the major geopolitical megatrends also manifest themselves in cyberspace and stresses the importance of security awareness. After all, cybersecurity is like handwashing – you have to do it over and over again.

Niklas Hellemann
Cybercrime turning professional: The 5 biggest trends in 2022
Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated by the minute and the interface between humans and machines remains the main entry point for attackers. CEO of SoSafe, Niklas Hellemann, gives an insight into the top 5 cybercrime trends in 2022 and explains which psychological factors play a particularly important role in cyberattacks.

Niklas Hellemann and Frank Piotraschke
Let’s build the Human Firewall: A recap and outlook in current times
In their closing speech, Niklas Hellemann and Frank Piotraschke reflect on the current threat landscape, the innovative tactics of cybercriminals, the cost of the human factor in cyber security, and the steps organizations should take to empower their teams and build human firewalls.

David Kreft
How to launch a successful international cyber security awareness campaign
David Kreft, CISO at WAGO GmbH & Co. KG, talks about the main learnings and challenges of launching an international security awareness campaign. Proper communication and a well-established feedback culture were some of the key success factors – watch the keynote to discover the rest.

Martin Schmidt
Why second-generation security awareness matters: A leadership perspective
Positive reinforcement, keeping interest through competition, and avoiding blaming and paralysis are some of the tips Martin Schmidt shares with us from successfully launching a cyber security awareness campaign.

Daniel Domscheit-Berg
Outside the box: Cybersecurity awareness in the context of society
The speed of technological progress is outside of what we can handle – both politically and socially. In his talk, Daniel Domscheit-Berg explains that, to protect ourselves from cyberattacks, we first need to understand that we are not independent of digital systems and all their invisible connections.
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